Dolby Vision™ combines two powerful capabilities—high dynamic range (HDR) and wide color gamut—in a unique technology that works across cameras, production techniques, and consumer devices to deliver a truly stunning image on TV. Dolby Vision increases the available range of brightness to about 40 times that of current TV standards. Images blaze brightly from the screen, highlights dazzle, and sharper contrast, true blacks, and nuanced shadow detail add an amazingly lifelike sense of depth. The wide color gamut greatly expands the available color palette, adding a myriad of true, distinctive colors all along the wider brightness range, so that subtle or muted colors show as realistically as bright, vibrant colors. These Dolby Vision capabilities work as a very powerful complement to HD and Ultra HD screens, making their picture more vivid and lifelike. And the resulting image is striking—watching TV becomes like looking through a window. The technology is unique in supporting a better image from the artist all the way to the pixel. The Dolby Vision ecosystem empowers movie and TV directors to fully express their visual ideas through content that is specially mastered for Dolby Vision. Advanced cameras, dynamic new postproduction and mastering capabilities, and expanded delivery standards support the creation and distribution of the enhanced image. The visual impact of this content can then be unlocked by a Dolby Vision powered television to produce a stunning picture you didn’t know was possible on a TV. Dolby Vision leverages astonishing brightness, contrast, and color to deliver dramatic imaging—an image that brings entertainment alive on your screen—for a truly powerful viewing experience.
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