At Philips HealthSuite Labs, we welcome you and your stakeholders to accelerate decision-making and innovation with our Design Thinking and agile approach. Together, we co-create and co-innovate solutions by leveraging your and our combined clinical, research, design, and digital experts. HealthSuite Labs offers
Collaborating with the Dutch Regional Care Network Midden-Brabant to develop a new regional model for connected health for people living with diabetes
A different approach to healthcare innovation is necessary. Complex challenges require all relevant stakeholders to co-create new sustainable healthcare models and investigate meaningful use of digital technologies to open new avenues for patient self-management, care flow improvement and cost reductions. Modern day innovation labs no longer have scientists working in splendid isolation – these labs are close to the customer, digital and involve multi-disciplinary expertise and creativity. Philips facilitates this co-creation process, using our digital, clinical and research experts in an immersive environment. Our guided multi-stakeholder Design Thinking approach enables the fusion of next generation technologies, clinical and technical experts, and new business models. This imposed fusion brings the right ecosystem partnerships to help you successfully accelerate and deploy new models. Enabling iteration speed in developing and testing new proof of concepts.
Contact us today to discuss your current challenges and explore if HealthSuite Labs is right for you.
On the co-creation process in HealthSuite Labs
The HealthSuite Labs process has been amazing. I learned so much"
Pam Taub, M.D.
Cardiologist, UC San Diego
It feels like working for a new start-up, collaboratively improving patient care"
Patrick Stoteler
Region Manager, Menzis Health Insurance
The healthcare challenge: how to utilize digital platforms to stimulate the collaboration among caregivers to optimize healthcare for patients with diabetes type 1 or type 2 by looking into information exchange, the stakeholder landscape, and platform driven services and solutions. Addressing the vision of a platform driven patient-centric care pathway for diabetes patients in the south of the Netherlands. For this vision, HealthSuite Labs brought together patients, caregivers, care networks, healthcare professionals from several organizations and Philips Research and Design experts into one room to explore, brainstorm and deep dive into (digital) solution directions for a future patient-centric care pathway. Resulting in an app and web portal prototype after the session. In February 2017, a pilot of the co-created solution was initiated with diabetes patients and caregivers. The solution, consisting of an app and personal health environment for patients and caregivers is hosted on Philips HealthSuite Digital Platform (HSDP).
The healthcare challenge: how to improve healthcare results by adopting and utilizing digital health innovations like healthcare IT platforms and integrated care solutions? Addressing the desire to accelerate the adoption of digital innovation that leads to better results in healthcare. For this desire, HealthSuite Labs brought together healthcare professionals and Philips Research and Design experts to explore, brainstorm and deep dive into solution directions for a desired future medical center with integrated IT and care solutions. Resulting in a strategic digital health partnership to deliver networked cardiac care across major region of Germany.
The healthcare challenge: how to collect, report and analyze accurate immunization and primary health data sensitive to the needs of a country’s healthcare system? Addressing the need and vision of building the national primary healthcare system of the future through data driven programs. With vital elements being: understanding program effectiveness, monitoring development of diseases and allocating needed resources. Especially in the area of immunization, the Ugandan Ministry of Health focuses on increased coverage all across the country and introducing new vaccines. For this need and vision, HealthSuite Labs brought together the Ugandan Ministry of Health, local healthcare professionals, Non-Governmental Organizations and experts from Philips Research, Design and Healthcare Transformation Services. The HealthSuite Labs outcome consisted of a shared vision for the digitization of immunization service delivery; Key data-related challenges in the current vaccination flow; Possible solutions for transformative innovations; And a draft digital transformation roadmap.
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