Neurovascular care

Neurovascular care

Neurovascular decisions are based on what you see, so see more

    The field of neuro intervention is changing rapidly as more diseases are treated with less invasive techniques. New devices offer new treatments, but smaller and less radio opaque devices also present new challenges when it comes to placement and treatment assessment. We offer a flexible portfolio of integrated technologies, services and accessories for diverse neurovascular treatments. You can work with the confidence that comes from using sophisticated imaging technologies and neuro options that are the result of intensive research with clinical leaders and industry pioneers in neuro interventions.

    Neuro suite - Helping you determine the best course of treatment with greater confidence

    Neuro decisions are based on what you see, so see more

    Philips Neuro suite offers a flexible portfolio of integrated technologies, services, and neuro accessories that puts you in firm control whether treating an acute stroke patient, visualizing the smallest intracranial vessels, precisely placing a flow diverter, or working slowly through a complex AVM.

    Key benefits

    Supports high-precision diagnosis and treatment of ischemic stroke.

    Enhances neuro workflow and patient handling to promote efficiency and consistency

    Elevates treatment confidence with excellent visibility at ultra low X-ray dose levels

    Seamlessly control all relevant applications from a single touch screen at table side

    DTAS video

    Faster stroke treatment.
    Improve outcomes.

    Direct To Angio Suite workflows allow for comprehensive stroke diagnoses to be performed directly in the Neuro angio suite. This provides valuable, timesaving support for critical patients in acute need of mechanical thrombectomy therapy.

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