express your true self.
World's No.1
ironing brand
2 year product warranty
from date of purchase
Whether you need to remove creases from your shirt, do a quick touch-up of your dress or keep your favourite sneakers clean - we have the solution for you!
Taking good care of your clothes has never been more important. You can wash less but still get that fresh and new look by freshen your garments with a steam iron or garment steamer.
With powerful steam you can spend less time in ironing your laundry. Philips steam irons and garment steamers are ideal for speed and effectiveness, to give you a better ironing experience.
3000 Series
Steam iron
3000 Series
Handheld Steamer
Sneaker Cleaner
A garment steamer is not an iron, so it won’t give you the same results especially on thick cotton or linen shirts. Instead, a garment steamer is ideal for de-wrinkling thin fabrics, delicate fabrics and garments with difficult designs, such as pleated skirts. It is also great for touching up and refreshing all kinds of garments, including woolens and jackets.
Yes, your garment steamer is safe and suitable for use on all ironable garments. There’s no risk of scorching or burning.
Using the right type of water will help prolong the life of your garment steamer. Here are some tips and tricks: Both are designed to be used with tap water. If you live in an area with hard water, though, limescale may build up quickly If this is the case, try using distilled or demineralised water (50% demineralised water mixed with tap water can be used too). Do not use perfumed water, water from the tumble dryer, vinegar, starch, descaling agents, ironing aids, chemically descaled water or other chemicals. Not only are they unsafe but they may also cause water spitting, brown staining or damage to your steamer or iron. To fragrance your clothes, instead try: • Using perfumed washing softener in your wash • Using essential oils (aromas) during washing • Spritzing your garment with perfumed water after ironing or steaming
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